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Monday, March 21, 2011

Intro To Why|Make Money At Home Online

So what is the concept behind what I am up to with this blog slash website.

Having been in business for myself in one form or another for over 24 years, I am now moving online as part of my income stream.  With a lot of studying having gone into this decision I have made the decision to move into affiliate marketing.   As part of the research that I had done up to this point the people in the know(guru's) say that if a person wishes for success that branding ones self via a blog is a great idea.

When I first read about the need to brand myself, I must admit that I did shudder just a wee bit.   From where I hail in Arizona and having a background also coming from Wyoming branding carries a bit of a hot iron.  Could not at first understand how putting a brand on my flank would help people find me online.  Plus how were they going to see that on my flank when I where clothing over that area.

You can imagine my heartfelt relief when I found through my research that online branding was nothing at all like that.  But rather that online branding was and is a term that is just saying that you are letting folks know what you are all about as a business, person and online marketer.  Must admit that this made a bit more sense than putting that hot iron to my side.  

So part of what I am about with blog is that I wish to make money at home online.  Looking for that secondary income stream to help with the real world income stream.  Will it work?  Of course it will.  Just gonna take a bit of work for folks to get a chance to know me and that I am trustworthy and wish to help them with challenges they face in life. 

So have found a lot of good folks online already that are very helpful with the advice that they share about building an online business.  So how to go about setting things up so that I am able to make money at home online?

Well I am going to find good products that other folks have created and then I am going to share those with folks that are looking for that particular kind of product.  Kinda like being able to be a DR of products.  I am sure that most folks have recommended a product at one time or another and that is what this affiliate marketing is really all about.  Plus get to make a bit of coin if folks make that purchase on my recommendation.  Thus I will be able to make money at home online.

So that is what I am up to and I do look forward to being able to help lots of folks out.  The helping hand being much more important than me bringing in a bunch of coin.  That coin earning is just a wonderful plus to having been able to help someone else out. 

So when you stumble onto this site as you will do just want you to know that I will be sharing everything that I have found out about what it takes for a person to make money at home online.  Till next time folks keep your hand out to help others.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Can You Make Money Blogging?

With blogging becoming a mainstream method of communicating, a huge group of established business's are looking for the answer to how can you make money blogging and how they can become involved. Many of these established companies are using blogs to show a personal side to their customers.

One way that these companies institute a blogging program is to hire an established blogger. They have this blogger create a weblog that will allow the company to brand themself and their products. By doing this the company can create a positive feeling from their customers. Many a struggling blogger, from a monetary standpoint, has been hired by a large firm for this type of job. And because of it made a good quality income.

A person will find that there are two quality ways that can answer the question: How can you make money blogging?
  • You can set up your blog to make money by selling advertising to many different companies or brands that wish to reach the readers of your blog.
  • You could create a blog to help a single company or brand to improve its public image. So thru the blog create a good tone for the company or brand as well as for your blog.

So now we have looked at 2 different ways that answer the question: how can you make money blogging? The other learning curve that a blogger needs to overcome is how to market effectively.

If your goal for answering how can you make money blogging is to sell advertising on your blog there are 2 good ways to go about filling your ad space.

  • 1. You can pay a commission to some else to do the leg work for you or:
  • 2. You can do the leg work yourself and keep all the generated revenue for yourself.
How can you make money blogging?

So within the commission paying option of getting ads put on your blogs advertising space you could use Google's AdSense program. This program comes with many advantages.

  • the ads that are served up match what your blog is about
  • You get paid for clicks from your readers.
  • Google keeps fresh ads on your site to give your readers more options.
  • Requires very little effort on the part of the blogger, but does come with the disadvantage of not making the income off your blog that can be made with additional ways of creating income.

How Can You Make Money Blogging Option 2.

If you wish to do the ad selling or finding yourself you will find that it takes a bit longer to get your blog into the earning column. If your blog is on a subject or industry that you have contacts in, this could be a good way of getting your ad space filled up. How are your marketing skills? If you feel comfortable pitching ideas to interested companies, you could create a great level of income for your blog.

So what are the disadvantages of model 2?

  • You will need a large audience in order to attract interest from companies to advertise on your blog
  • To get that large readership means that you will have to do several months worth of work before you will see income from your blog.
Perhaps the best way of monetization of your blog would be to start off with Google AdSense so that you can start making money sooner. Then as your readership grows look into moving into selling that adspace to certain businesses for a larger income once you have your readership up to a lucrative level.

I hope this gives you some ideas of how can you make money blogging. Like any type of business you should have a plan in place before beginning your endeavor. Make no mistake that it may take a bit to get to the top by blogging but it is definitely worth it once you get there.

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Google and Google AdSense are registered to Google and this author does not assume to have any affiliation or ownership of these terms.
You should know that the links above are affiliate links that the author gets paid from when items are purchased from the vendor.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blogging for Profit Begins With a Long Term Plan

A large number of folks out there dream of making money blogging, which is truly not out
of the reach of any ordinary person. With a good work ethic and a strong understanding of
the technology available for blogging a person can have success. The unfortunate thing is
that very few folks every make any money with their blogging efforts. There are two basic
reasons that attribute to this failure.

  • Many bloggers misunderstand the time required to build up a readership. This in turn leads to frustration for them with how little money they make blogging. The level of frustration felt by the blogger can lead that person to quit blogging.

  • A lack of planning leads to the failure rate of bloggers that want to make money blogging. If a person wants to make money blogging, the way to success is to put a realistic plan in place and stick with it.

In order to make money blogging, the blog must create a large following. The more people that
are following a blog leads to being able to make more from advertising. Keeping regular visitors
coming back to the blog though is no easy task. With more blogs showing up on the radar on a
daily basis, a blogger is no longer able to just rely on a terrific subject or great writing style. The
blogger of today needs to learn how to market their blog effectively.

A blogger can no longer spend all their time just writing posts. A larger amount of the bloggers time needs to be spent marketing their blog. Without a doubt posting to the blog often can help to maintain the blog high withing the blogrolls and search engines such as Technorati. By posting
often the blogger will have visitors that will return to the blog often to check out the new content being posted. But if no one is visiting the blog, the posting rate will not matter. Spend time getting visitors to the site!

In order for a blogger to realize their aspirations of making money blogging:

1. post less often
2. spend the more time getting links
3. spend more of your time networking with other bloggers within the community
4. start using the other established ways of drawing in traffic.

Just realize that even if you are a marketing wonder, have the best subject matter for the blog, that success making money blogging is not going to come about overnight. Growing a large enough audience to make money blogging will probably take several months prior to seeing a large income. So the blogger needs to stay the course during this growth phase. The blogger can keep up their motivation by setting goals on how often they will update their posts. What the readership goals are for the blog. Then reward them self for a job well done by sticking to the plan.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Profit From Your Blogging Efforts.

If you happen to be like most people, you think that blogging is for sharing your opinions or as a daily diary. Strange as it may seem most people feel that if they have an opinion to share that they are set to start blogging. Unfortunately, most people fail to realize that when done correctly, blogging can be a wonderful way of generating income.

A wonderful caveat of blogging is that a person does not need to be a guru in order to accomplish it. By learning a few techniques anyone can practice the art of blogging. Plug into a free blogging system put up some great content and a few simple ads and viola you have income on the way. The really good writers can make a good living off just this one way of monetizing their blog. So if you are a focused individual that can work hard, have a good topic and will use social networking you to can do this.

A little pre-planning is required before you get started blogging.

  • What are you going to blog about?

  • Is your topic interesting enough to attract a large audience?

  • Are you passionate about your topic so that you can post good content?

  • Is the topic you have chosen going to be profitable?

It is not going to be enough to just go off with your opinions re music or such things. You are going to need to bring substance to the table if you want to build an audience that will stick with you. If the content that you are sharing is good enough that people will bookmark it and want to keep coming back for more, you will have found the winning combination.

When you have put together a great winning combination of content now you can supercharge your efforts. Using ads and/or other forms of affiliate marketing, you will gain the advantage of being able to make money when someone visits your blog.

The ability to make money from your blog is not as daunting as it may appear at first glance. With practice and gaining knowledge, you can put your earnings on auto. Unlike owning a business in the physical world, you do not have to be there to greet your customer.

Want to learn more about this opportunity and give yourself a leg up in earning more income? Then go ahead and check out the amazing products found at the link below to learn how you can profit from this great income earning opportunity.

Check out some of these amazing products to learn how YOU can start making money with your blog.

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